Not intended to diagnose or prescribe.
When I worked for a naturopath, he always said, “ your health is your wealth”. Here is some good information about enzymes for you to consider. I recently rediscovered enzymes and am feeling better than I have in a long time. happy reading:) Enzymes Health + News Vol. 4 No. 3, Featuring Information in Enzymes. (no longer available for print from Triple R Publishing, INC.) For Information Purposes ONLY. Enzyme – A protein molecule that catalyzes chemical reactions of other substances without itself being destroyed or altered upon completion of the reactions. – Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary The Human Body – Fine Tuning Your Engine By: Dr. Humbart Santillo Dr. Humbart Santillo, is a doctor of naturopathy and a master herbalist. He is also a renowned lecturer and the author of six books on natural health. In 1993, he won thirteen gold medals in track, including one in the Canadian Nationals in the 100 Meters. Following is an abridged version of Dr. Santillo's article, "Sports, Enzymes, and Nutrition". An athlete's main concern should be maintaining a healthy body and replacing the nutrients loss caused by exercise. Enzymes, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals are the fuel the body needs to function. If you exercise, most of these substances are used up rapidly by the body and need replacement. Unfortunately, eating the proper amount of food and nutrients only solves half the problem. The missing link in nutrition is Enzymes. The nutrients may be present in the diet, but enzymes are the work force of the body. People often believe that they don't recover from exercise fast enough because they either overdid it or didn't do enough. the problem may be that their "engine" is congested with unusable fuel because of poor digestion well. Enzymes digest the food and release all the nutrients. The majority of people cannot utilize their food properly because they lack the proper enzymes. Enzymes are present in raw foods and are very sensitive to heat. In his book Enzyme Nutrition, Dr. Edward Howell states, "Enzymes are completely destroyed when heated during cooking, baking, frying, or during food processing over 121 degrees F." This means that in most cases, cooking the food destroys the enzymes, which leads to enzyme-depletion in our systems. This causes rapid aging and fatigue and lays the foundation for chronic disease to develop. Why deplete our enzyme reserve with a poor diet when we can keep our vitality with enzyme-rich raw foods and by supplementing our diets with the proper enzymes? There are three major classes of enzymes: metabolic enzymes (enzymes which work in the blood, tissues and organs), food enzymes from raw foods, and digestive enzymes (secreted by the pancreas and other digestive organs). The individuals who exercise must be concerned about all three enzyme groups. The oral administration of enzymes for inflammations and sports injuries has been used for years by Max Wulf, M.D. author of the book Enzyme Therapy. It has been said that half of the body’s energy is spent digesting food. If enzymes are added to the diet daily, more nutrients will be available and less food will be needed, resulting in less digestive stress and waste elimination. This is called subtle energy conservation. The athlete will be able to work out more often, with greater intensity and less recovery time. Lou Piccone played ten years of professional football. He was the only player to master seven different football positions. When I met him, he weighed 210 pounds and stood 5’8”. By reducing his meat and dairy consumptions and adding plant enzymes to his diet, he lost thirty pounds in two months. Lou an I trained together for three months. We supplemented our diets with enzymes at each meal. In the New York State Masters Track and Field events, Lou won five gold medals. Usually when one loses thirty pounds while training and also changes his diet, weakness is felt. Lou’s strength remained the same, but he recovery time and endurance improved. Both of us did this experiment at the age of thirty-eight. The amazing part was that our 100 meter and 200 meter times were a few seconds better than our high school and college times. When exercise or any sport is considered, one must be healthy. We must add to our enzyme reserve, not deplete it. It is great to enjoy sports and athletics, but it will be a short-lived experience if our metabolic enzyme reserves are not considered by adding supplemental enzymes daily to our diets. Enzymes Save Lives, No Illness is IncurableMichael O’Brian Michael O’Brian has been in the health field since 1962. He is an expert in the field of enzyme research and has been involved in the formulation of many health products. He has worked with several private practice clinics in studying how diet affects people’s health. It the food you’re eating digestible? If you eat mostly cooked food, it may not be. Studies have shown that raw food is easier to digest and healthier than cooked food, because it still contains enzymes. Even raw food isn’t as healthy today as it was thirty years ago, because natural enzymes are being systematically eliminated from our food through mineral depletion of the soil. This forces the plant to sacrifice its own enzymes to replenish the soil. So, today’s plants lack essential enzymes right from the start. God put enzymes in our food, but we took them out. Enzymes are the workers in your body-they carry out every chemical reaction. To have a healthy body you need both workers (enzymes) and building materials. The building materials are proteins (amino acids), minerals and vitamins. All of these are necessary to build a healthy structure. Trying to function without all the necessary enzymes is like trying to build a house al by yourself in one day. Contrast that with having all the enzymes you need in your body so that your system can function properly. It’s comparable to the way the Amish are able to put up a three-story barn in twenty-four hours because the whole community, even the little children, work on it. We need to have enough enzymes in our bodies to do the job right. The first person to actively study enzymes was Dr. Edward Howell. He determined that your quality of life and energy level depend on enzymes. If you’re low on enzymes, then you’re out of workers and there’s nobody to build your “house.” It’s this lack of enzymes that causes health problems. It’s a misconception among some doctors that you don’t need enzyme supplements because your body makes its own enzymes. While it’s true that your body does produce enzymes, it they aren’t in the right place at the right time, they won’t do any good. You need to take a good digestive enzyme so your food will be thoroughly digested and your liver will get the good nutrition it needs to produce enzymes on its own. If the food you eat does not have enzymes with it, it’s going to sit in the stomach and eventually pass, undigested, into the small intestine. That’s where the pancreatic enzymes protease and lipase start their reactions, but they need extra help. What’s missing is the pancreatic secretions is the enzyme cellulase, which carries nutrients through the gut wall and transports metals and toxins out. It’s found in raw food that is high in fiber and also in enzyme supplements. There have been many studies on cancer that say we need fiber, but they forgot to mention that the fiber used in the studies was raw. Raw fiber has the essential cellulose in it. A nursing mother provides her baby with all the enzymes he needs to digest her milk. Have you ever noticed that the stool of a breast-fed baby doesn’t stink? It’s only when a baby starts eating cooked, processed food that his stool begins to stink. This happens because the food won’t digest properly and travels, undigested, into the small intestine. Its beginning of the toxemia cycle (undigested food putrefying in the bowl tract that continues to poison the blood), which is the root of all disease. Enzyme supplements are the best way to cleanse your system. Most people associate cleansing with the bowel, but enzymes are actually able to cleanse your blood. You know that your food isn’t being digested if you sit down to a huge meal, eat to the point that you can hardly move, and an hour later be looking in the refrigerator for something to eat. With improper digestion, the body compels you unconsciously to search out food that contains what you need. That’s why people have cravings. When I give a lecture on enzymes, the first thing I ask the audience is what illness is the most impossible to correct? The first response is usually cancer, but that’s an easy one. Then I put up a picture of a child with Down Syndrome. We’re taught it’s a genetic failure and can’t be helped after the baby is born. That isn’t necessarily true. Once people with Down Syndrome start digesting properly and their bowels are cleansed, they’re able to get the right nutrients, and their bodies ca function as they should. Over a ten-year span, their mental problems disappear and eventually you can’t tell them apart from people without Down Syndrome. Cancer is simpler because it is just the erratic growth of cells. A book called The Cause and the Cure of a Cancer, shows that when the level of toxins in the body gets too high, cancer begins to grow in order to protect the body from death. The cancerous tumor actually filters the toxins out of the blood, but as soon as the tumor is removed, the toxins come back because the cause of the poisoning has not changed. Likewise, when a woman is pregnant her baby filters out any poisons. A woman is usually more beautiful when she is pregnant than at any other time. She feels good and looks more alive. The mother has an erratic growth of the trophoblast cells (similar to cancer) to encase the egg. We need enzymes to break down toxins so they can be eliminated from our systems. My advice to people is to find a good enzyme - a complex that includes protease, amylase, lipase, and cellulase. Lipase will help the heart and protease will enhance the immune system. Enzymes taken on an empty stomach will get into the blood and clean it. Enzymes taken with meals will thoroughly digest food. People need to stop the destructive process of undigested food in their bodies. Enzymes – The Spark of LifeDr. Lita Lee Dr. Lita Lee has a Ph.D. in chemistry and works as a writer, lecturer, and enzyme therapist. She is federally licensed to administer the Howard Loomis urinalysis test to determine enzyme and nutrient deficiency. Dr. Lee is currently writing a book on enzyme therapy. Enzymes are the spark of life – they run your entire body. You could not digest or absorb food, walk, talk, or even breathe without them. Enzymes are living substances that must be activated be a certain pH range, a certain temperature range, moisture, ad coenzymes (vitamins and minerals). Vitamins and minerals are familiar to most people, but they don’t realize that vitamins aren’t activated until they join enzymes. You can swallow pounds of vitamins and minerals but without enzymes, nothing works and you’re wasting your money. For ten years I have used only plant based (food) enzymes in my practice because they initiate the work of digestion in the stomach. They also work in the small intestine and blood. All people need plant enzymes. Unlike drugs, which control body chemistry, these enzymes enhance the nourishment of the body so it can heal itself. Enzymes will not interfere with drugs already being taken, but they may decrease the needed dosage. Many doctors believe that you can’t take enzyme supplements because they’re destroyed in the stomach. That isn’t true – they’re merely deactivated by the stomach’s acidity. When the food and the deactivated enzymes reach the small intestine, the body’s alkaline reserve reactivates these enzymes at a higher, more alkaline pH. This is where pancreatic enzymes join activated plant enzymes. Plant enzymes help absorb and assimilate your food. When your body functions properly, food is digested into tiny particles of nutrition that go into your blood and then into your cells. If you lack any of the necessary enzymes, however, this doesn’t happen. People need to eat right and take enzymes or they will never get a sufficient amount of them. Unfortunately, few people do either. Modern methods of cooking destroy the enzymes in our food. If you eat only devitalized food and take no additional enzymes, your pancreas has to do all the work of digestion and your entire metabolic enzyme system is drained. People need to eat more raw foods, which have the enzymes still intact. Edward Howell, M.D. the father of enzyme research, discovered that people who eat a large portion of raw foods do not get as ill and are able to recover from illness more quickly than those who eat mostly cooked food. If your body can’t break down food properly, because of lack of enzymes, undigested food sits in your stomach and enters directly into your blood. Whatever you don’t digest becomes poison. Your body sends out antibodies to get rid of this material. The particles of undigested food often land in soft tissues and cause inflammation, which can lead to bacteria build-up ad disease. A hundred different conditions, from acne to cancer, can begin this way. There is an enzyme deficiency associated with every condition I treat. Enzyme supplements clean your blood by eating harmful bacteria, viruses, and debris. Once a person gets the right enzymes, the symptoms of their own condition go away. For example, the vomiting that often accompanies pregnancy can be treated with enzymes. You can also heal an ulcer in two weeks with enzymes. The lack of certain enzymes causes very specific problems. A lack of sugar-digesting enzymes – sucrose, maltase, and lactase – can lead to severe problems such as diarrhea and asthma. The lack of enzymes has also been linked to attention-deficit disorder, mood swings, violent behavior, and other mental and emotional problems. People who are deficient in protease, the protein-digesting enzyme, tend to be very anxious and have low blood sugar. They usually also have edema (abnormally large amounts of fluid in the tissue) and suppressed immune systems. Protease is one of the major enzymes in the immune system, so I use protease supplements to treat all types of bacterial and viral infections. I give protease and other enzymes to people with cancer and AIDS. The enzymes improve their conditions although they don’t cure them. Even if you only have a month to live, you can live better and in less pain with enzymes. Dr. Howard Loomis, the foremost living expert in enzyme research, had a woman bring in her little boy who couldn’t walk, talk, or hear. Another doctor had told her that her son was a lost cause and should be institutionalized. Dr. Loomis put his on enzymes, including protease, and in a few weeks the fluid cleared in the boy’s ears and he was able to hear and speak. A large percentage of my clients have been told by their doctors that they have mental problems and need antidepressants because their doctors couldn’t find anything physically wrong with them. I have never believed that people “just go nuts.” I believe that abnormal brain chemistry leading to mental problems is a direct result of abnormal body chemistry, poor nutrition, and hormonal imbalances. All of these can be corrected with enzyme therapy. When given the proper enzymes, the brain can heal itself. Helping people through enzyme therapy has been the most fascinating part of my career as a health care practitioner. In my opinion, enzymes are the secret to longevity and good health. Tumors Vanished By: Mary and Dick Juhl Mary Juhl – I have had severe diabetes for twelve years. It gave me high blood pressure, a weight problem, and poor eye sight. I started on enzymes and probiotics over two years ago. These made the vitamins and minerals I was already taking more effective. Since that time my blood pressure has no longer been a problem, I’ve lost eighty-two pounds and my eye sight has improved by eight points. I feel like a new person. In November 1996, my husband Dick was diagnosed with cancer that had spread throughout his entire body. He was told he had 4-6 months to live. He had started on enzymes previous to that because he had seen what they did for me, but stopped because he thought he was having an allergic reaction to them. We later found out that what he’d thought was an allergic reaction had really been a sign of progress – the enzymes were loosening up the cancer in his lungs. If he’d known that, he never would have stopped taking them. At the time my husband was diagnosed, he was sleeping twenty hours a day – he was exhausted. He went back on amylase, protease, lipase, a multi-enzyme, and probiotics. He also put more raw food into his diet. Within two weeks, he was able to use a treadmill again. By the end of March, his organs were totally cancer free. Enzymes and probiotics helped Dick break the cancer down and clean it out of his body. It’s now been nine months since he was diagnosed and he’s still doing fine. Because the enzymes eradicated the cancer, he was able to survive having surgery on his vocal cords in April. Doctors hadn’t wanted to risk it while he had cancer because they were afraid his throat would swell and cut off his oxygen. My husband had the surgery and was able to return to teaching full-time. His voice is his life, and now he has it back. My husband and I feel very blessed to have had the support of our loved ones. All six children now take enzymes because of how much they’ve helped us. Enzymes are definitely the way to make your immune system kick in again. They break down putrefied food so it doesn’t get stuck in your system. Once your body is cleaned out, it heals itself. It’s really fantastic what the body can do when you give it what it needs. Inside your body there are thousands, even millions, of living organisms. They make up two pounds of your body weight. Don’t let this scare you – not all bacteria are bad. There are harmful bacteria and helpful bacteria. The hard-working friendly bacteria produce a variety of substances that can prevent cancerous tumors, deactivate viruses, produce natural antibodies, reduce cholesterol, and enhance the immune system. They even produce and distribute vitamins (such as B-complex) among your organs. One particular strain of bacteria called lactobacillus salivarius produces acidophin, an antibiotic that helps protect against harmful bacteria. What’s the significance of all this? If you’ve ever taken traditional medicine, you know that it doesn’t always do what it’s supposed to. Modern medicine that is designed to kill bacteria does exactly that - it kills bacteria, regardless of whether it is the helpful or the harmful kind. Medicine like that can actually poison your body by having a negative influence on the helpful bacteria. The exciting news is that you can take probiotics to supplement the friendly bacteria in your body already produces. Having the right amount of probiotics in your body to work in conjunction with enzymes is essential for good health. Enzymes Heal Macular Degeneration Paula Lively, R.N. Paula Lively, R.N. received her nursing degree from Baylor University in Texas. I was diagnosed with macular degeneration (a dark spot on the back of my eye) in March 1993. I would have lost my central vision and had only peripheral vision if it had continued. I couldn’t see things that were an arm’s-length away from me, and I kept burning myself on my iron and oven. In a six-month period, I went from bifocals to trifocals. People usually don’t get things like this until they’re in their sixties, but I was forty-six when I was diagnosed. A month later I began taking enzymes. After taking them for one year, the deterioration of my eyes has actually stopped. This is quite amazing, since macular degeneration is a progressive disease that almost never reverses itself. My ophthalmologist upgraded my diagnosis to maculopathy, which is a peculiarly of the macula, not degeneration. The enzymes really did heal my eyes. The enzymes also helped my asthma. It had been pretty severe when I was a child and came back when I was in my mid-thirties. During allergy seasons, I would have to use inhalers about three or four times a week. With enzymes, I noticed that I needed my inhalers less and less. Then I didn’t need them at all. That was three years ago, and I haven’t had to use an inhaler or any antihistamines since. Enzymes have made me a healthier person. They lowered my blood cholesterol levels and gave me more stamina, so I don’t need as much sleep. Since I’ve been taking them, I have hardly ever needed aspirin or anything like that. My eating habits have also changed dramatically. When I look at menus, I find myself going to the salads instead of the hamburgers. For the first time in my life, I am actually craving healthy food. I’m confident that in the long run my overall health is going to improve even more because of enzymes. By: Ann Louise Gittleman Ann Louise Gittleman, M.S. has studied with some of the great nutritionists of the twentieth century ad has a background in clinical and alternative health care. In the early 1980’s she was the director of nutrition at the Pritikin Longevity Center. She now consults for various organizations, corporations, and spas all over the country including Uni Key Health Systems in Montana. Among the books she has written is the recent best seller, Your Body Knows Best, which was featured in Newsweek magazine. Although enzyme research has been around for decades, it seems that only recently has its time come. Dr. Edward Howell, who began his enzyme research in the 1930’s, said, “Without enzymes there is no life.” Enzymes are the catalysts for every process in the body. We know that vitamins will not work properly, minerals cannot do their jobs effectively, and hormones and proteins cannot operate without enzymes. They enable your body to digest, assimilate, and eliminate food. There are two natural sources of enzymes – your body and raw food. The problem is, however, that enzymes are lost because they are heat-sensitive ad the process of cooking destroys them. In this day and age, however, many people do not eat uncooked food. This causes a domino effect. When you can’t get enzymes from raw food, your body used its own, which in turn puts undue stress on your tissues and organs where these enzyme reserves are located. It becomes imperative that we supplement our diets with enzymes. Enzyme supplements assist our systems not only in digestion, but also in the building u of the natural reserves needed to help repair our tissues and organs. Taking enzyme supplements is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. My enzyme background comes from my work with the digestive system and with parasites. Parasites, believe it or not, can negatively affect enzyme production because of their toxic secretions. Many people with severe microorganism problems often lose the ability to break down lactose, or milk sugar. This is a biproduct of parasites, not a genetic lactose intolerance. Once the individual is supplied with lactase – a type of amylase that is a starch-digesting enzyme, they are able to digest dairy products again. Similarly, individuals with a genetic or parasite-induced lack of hydrochloric acid in their stomachs do very well when they are taking protease. The enzyme cellulase can help with fiber digestion problems. Individuals who are getting too much fat from foods like nuts and seeds are really craving essential fatty acids because they don’t have enough lipase in their system to help break down and assimilate those acids. Many people have either exhausted their system by overindulging in carbohydrates or no longer have the ability to breakdown lactose and sucrose due to damage from microorganisms. Along with a healthy diet, taking the proper enzyme supplement can provide a quick resolution to this problem – the symptoms will disappear overnight. I’ve never seen anything that gives people results as fast as enzymes do, and I’ve been in the health business for a long time. Enzymes are nutritional, biochemical magic as far as I’m concerned. It behooves us all to supply our systems with these very necessary elements that we are simply not getting from the usual sources anymore. No matter what, we need to remember what Dr. Howell said = “Without enzymes, there is no life.” Diabetes Under Control Dorothy Fletcher – I’ve had insulin-dependent diabetes for forty-seven years. Along with that, I’ve had a lot of stiffness and pain in my joints – so much that I was not able to garden for years. I heard about enzymes from my two friends who were suffering from cancer. Their oncologist had suggested that they try enzymes because of a study done on a sample of German athletes. Blood samples were taken from a group that used enzymes and a control group that didn’t. The immune systems of the athletes on enzymes were boosted 2000% after only one month. I started taking enzyme products about two-and-a-half years ago and within six weeks I saw dramatic differences. My cholesterol dropped from 257 to 180 and my triglycerides were well within normal range. My diabetes became a lot less erratic and easier to control. I stopped craving things I shouldn’t, and even my joint pain disappeared. Over the next five months I lost thirty-five pounds (and I don’t exercise regularly at all). Enzymes have also helped my son and husband. My son travels a lot and when he doesn’t take enzymes, he tires easily and has poor digestion. My husband has also felt improvements. In fact, I almost wish I hadn’t given him enzymes because he has so much energy, he’s practically bouncing off the walls. As for myself, I stopped taking all my other supplements because enzymes have everything I need. Enzymes Gave Me Back My Life Norma Withrow – Before I stared taking enzymes two years ago, my health was down the tubes. I didn’t have any sort of quality of life at all. For fifteen years I had severe problems with my menstrual cycle, including excessive bleeding, violent moods once a month, and paralyzing headaches. For ten years my body temperature was only 91’. My biggest concern, though, was my low energy level. It got to the point where I was sleeping eighteen hours a day. It didn’t matter if I went to bed at eight or midnight – I still had to drag myself out of bed the next morning, even if it was eleven o’clock. I knew I really had a problem because no matter how much sleep I got, I could not wake up, which made a regular eight to five job impossible. I was suffering from major lethargy. When I had a task to do, I would figure out the best time of day to do it, then sleep before I did it and reward myself with more sleep after I finished. I could make it to my part-time job, but afterward I couldn’t be myself – I couldn’t even get to the doctor on my own. Eventually I had to hire someone to monitor me twenty-four hours a day. About two years ago I started taking enzymes and in two days my body temperature was up to 94’. And after six months, my energy was back. I could wake up at 5:30 in the morning ready to start the day, and that hadn’t happened in years. Soon my friends were noticing that my whole physical appearance had changed and said I had a new radiance. They would come up to me and ask, “What are you doing? Have you fallen in love?” I would just say, “I got my life back.” The enzymes greatly improved my menstrual problems, so my period isn’t such a concern anymore. I can plan things now without having to schedule around it. My focus has improved – I don’t feel like I’m walking around in a mental fog. Before, my life was just plowing my head into a pillow and praying everything would go away. It’s not like that anymore. Because I was fortunate enough to learn about enzymes, in time, I found out life doesn’t have to be difficult. If you would have told me three years ago that I would be as active as I am today, I would have said, “You must be talking about someone else, because there is no way.” I’m so grateful for the people in my life who recognized that I needed help and introduced me to enzyme therapy. When all my doctors were only able to solve part of my problems, enzymes hit the bull’s eye.
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