***Not intended to diagnose or prescribe or replace medical care. For personal and information purposes only. A reminder on how to make your own homeopathics, for those who have taken my Energy Balancing Class. Here is the handout: Homeopathy The practice of homeopathy goes back very far, there is no exact moment in time when it was created, but many people say it began in the nineteenth century, by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy is the practice of medicine which believes, that remedies in large doses can create a particular set of symptoms, and in small, minute doses - so small that no molecule of the original substance remains - can relieve those same symptoms. This two-hundred-year-old system, by Dr. Hahnemann, offers a way to gently stimulate your inner healing resources through recognizing and reinforcing the adaptive reactions of the body’s natural defenses. This goes beyond placebo! The Chinese believe that the best doctors use no medicines and, instead, heal by giving guidance on healthful living. (doctor means, teacher). Strictly speaking, homeopathy is a system of giving medicines and natural substances only temporarily to improve symptoms caused by continued exposure to personal or societal health stress (influences homeopaths call “obstacles to cure”). At times the best medicine for an ailment is not a medicine, but the realization that we cause our own sickness by our thoughts, emotions and environment. On a much deeper level, homeopathy is based on the law of similar, similia similibus curentur – meaning, let likes be cured with likes. There are several wonderful books available for you to learn about homeopathy. But for the best results, please seek out a homeopath and pay them for their services. They have vast stores of knowledge about this subject and can help you best determine which homeopathic remedies are best suited for you.
"I believe that the natural foods work similarly to homeopathic principles. The better mineral balance we have, the easier it is to attract more of the same into us. Like attract like. We can attract certain kinds of chemical elements through living a life in accord with the laws of life. When we relax in living, we will attract more magnesium to us. Yogananda said that he could attract iron to his body through his mental concept about iron. Here is a very advanced idea. The nearer we are to the higher life of the soul, the more we have a balance in harmony with the finer forces of nature. There are those who can attract these finer forces when they merely pass by flowers. They can take in the odor and the color, and that color can be a food. Again, as explained in earlier chapters, vibrations occur not only as specific frequency rates but in specific colors. We can put ourselves in a state of vibration that attracts to us what we need, or what we are short of." (The Chemistry of Man, Jensen, 2007, p. 221-222) Does this quote not go back to the basis of what every religion and spiritual teacher has been saying throughout the ages? That through: prayer, yoga, meditation, or focused intention (hypnosis), YOU can attract what you need! The Law of Attraction.
Are you excited yet? A few remedies to begin with are: Arnica Montana – for all muscle pain, bruises, and soreness. Nux Vomica – for upset stomach Sepia – for women’s menstrual issues Coffea Cruda – for mental activity and inability to sleep Cilicea – for fatigue and irritability
There are many wonderful combination remedies on the market as well for sleep, restless legs, allergies and cold relief. There are documented accounts of the POW’s (prisoners of war) who survived being fed poison and experimental substances because, one person knew how to make homeopathics. Each day these men would use what little water they could gather, put it in a container – hat, shoe, broken bottle, etc. – and add a bit of their morning urine. They then made the homeopathic, or in some cases just drank their morning urine, and it saved their lives. I learned about this when I was working for a naturopath doctor, the late Dr. Paul Klebs. He disliked the term “Dr.” since it implies help. He told everyone at seminars and in person, “Dr. means educator. I educate you on how to get well, then you take the steps to let your body heal. Only God and your body can heal you! I just educate you.” I helped him for 2 years as his “girl Friday” or “right hand woman” and learned a lot about simple, cost effective, self-care remedies, which not only save you money, but may even save your life.
Sample of 1 drop to 1 teaspoon, from person being treated – blood, urine, saliva, puss, mucus, etc.
Put your sample – 1 drop to 1 teaspoon – in the container and fill the rest of the container half full with water. Put lid on container and succus (shake and lightly tap container on your hand, to create an impact). Repeat 50 – 100 times or more. Remove 1 drop or 1 teaspoon from first jar and put it into the second jar. Add water to second jar to half full. Close lid and succus 50 – 100 times or more. Dump out the remainder of the first jar. Remove 1 drop or 1 teaspoon from second jar and put it into the empty jar. Add water to first jar to half full. Close lid and succus 50 – 100 times or more. Dump out the remainder of the second jar. You now have a homeopathic. At this point you can continue the process and switch jars again, which will further potentize the homeopathic, or you can use the water in the jar as a remedy. You can drink right from the jar, add a few drops to a glass of water, rub or spray it on the original wound, etc. There is little to no trace of the original sample after 3 succussing’s. Only the potentized imprint remains. This is a crude form of making homeopathic remedies, but it is simple, quick and effective. Always use up the batch you made, or throw it away after that day. After taking it, your body has changed and you will need to make a fresh batch for the best results. You can also make a new batch every hour if needed. You are simply imprinting the sample into the water by succussion. The imprint, when placed in the body, creates the opposite effect on the original issue, an antidote. Animals respond very well to this method! Once I used the puss from a dying dog’s leg tumor to make a homeopathic remedy. I put the remedy in one water dish and plain water in another dish. The dog lifted his head and plopped it in the dish with the remedy made from its wound and began lapping up the water. After an hour, to our amazement, the dog was up walking around outside. We all did a double take, thinking we were seeing a ghost dog! The dog lived 6 more months in good health, the tumors disappeared and he died of old age. The owners continued to make homeopathic remedies every day, which contributed to the healing of the leg tumors. I have taught several pet owners how to make remedies for their pets, and they have been grateful for the free help and continued health of their pet, versus having to pay a very large veterinary bill. At times I still spit into a container and make a remedy for myself, when I feel something coming on, and it does help. I’ve taught hundreds of people how to make homeopathic remedies. It is a good thing to know how to do because, one day you might need it to save your life or the life of someone else, human or animal. People have complicated the process, but it really is only as complicated as you choose to make it! The law of “like treats like” goes back several hundred years. It was common practice to treat diseases of the organs with the healthy organ tissues from animals. A preparation for the endocrine system came from the whole thyroid gland of an animal, served fried for the treatment of thyroid deficiency. This method worked because the animal thyroid tissue had thyroid hormones and iodine in it. Animals know how to find the plants they need to fill the voids in their diets. Not everything is meant to be homeopathic. Around 1889, a famous physician, Brown-Sequard at the age of 72, began to treat himself with injections of water and dog testicles. He reported miraculous rejuvenation and captured the attention of the medical world. His therapy was the fad of his day. What neither Brown-Sequard or his students realized, was that the testes and ovaries do not store hormones like the thyroid does. Testosterone is produced in the testes. The “good results” experienced by thousands of males were entirely due to auto-suggestion. The whole thing turned out to be a placebo effect. (Search the Scriptures, Lippincott, 1965, p. 54-55) The information is included here to show that anything can be a homeopathic or a placebo. The body does not differentiate between the two. If we are told by an authority figure that eating liver will help heal your liver, then you would probably eat more liver; and yes, your body would become healthier because liver contains lots of iron and other things our bodies need.
Books for continued reading on homeopathy: Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines, Stephen Cummings, M.D., and Dana Ullman M.P.H., 1997, Tarcher/Putnam Health Essentials HOMEOPATHY Natural Medicine for the Whole Person, Peter Adams, 1996 Element Books, INC Homeopathy Medicine for the 21st Century, Dana Ullman, 1988, North Atlantic Books. Homeopathy A Frontier in Medical Science, Paolo Bellavite, MD and Andrea Singorini, MD., 1995, North Atlantic Books. There are an abundance of online resources available.