Happy 4th of July. Make it a safe and memorable one. By that I mean, take a minute to be still, close your mouth, and take in everything that it means to be where you are…all brought to courtesy of those who have gone before you with a dream. Yes, history is full of lies, but at its core, way back there in another county, some people decided- enough with this, there has to be more than this - they got on some wooden sail boats (seriously have you ever seen the actual size of those boats!) the lucky ones had 2 sets of clothes, and they left behind everything their ancestors had ever known. They bravely looked failure in the face and believed in their dream - a land where they could live freely and achieve their dreams. It took a LOT to believe in the dream, but they did and most of them made it to this chunk of land we call home today. Fast forward through history and you find more dreamers, people with dreams so big that they left it all behind to pursue their dreams. Some succeeded others did not, but they decided their dream was worth the risk. So what is your dream? And how badly do you want it? I challenge you to start moving toward your dream, here’s how to start: 1: Dare to have a dream. 2: Get a clear picture of the end result, achieving your dream. 3: Keep your dream a secret. People are not kind and supportive until you’ve achieved your dream. Many dreams are not achieved because they were shared with others. 4: Begin taking small steps toward your dream: start a coin jar to fund things along the way, make a plan, spend time every day to dream about your dream. 5: When doors open that help you reach your dream, go through them, say thanks, and be grateful. 6: When other people come across your path, join with them for as long as needed. There is strength in numbers and no one achieves anything alone. Only share the what is necessary to achieve your dream. 7: What are you willing to sacrifice? 8: When your dream has been achieved, revel in the moment. You earned it, so you should enjoy it. 9: Dare to dream again. I’ve achieved many dreams this way. Some helpful tips are: A- Stick with it. Some dreams take longer to fully become reality than others. B- Dream BIG or not at all. If your dream seems bigger than you and ridiculously unachievable, that’s the dream to seek after. C- If your dream enhances the lives of other people, it is a most worthy dream to achieve. D- Have several dreams at the same time. Now I’ve shared a few tips, get off the internet and go live a life worth living. Enjoy the fruits of those dreamers who went before you. And remember to take a moment to say thanks to them. Jessica L Hanson
At times my sense of humor is a bit dry, but hear me out on this one.
Many people talk about the “life review” when we die. Many who have had near death experiences (NDE) say they review their life and then decide to come back because they are not finished yet, or want to fix things. This was not my experience with NDE, but the concept of a “life review” still remains. Here’s what strikes me as humorous. We all have these electronic devices which connect us to the world wide web and all kinds of social media apps. Everyday we (myself included) Like, Share, and Post - content. Did you know that your electronic device is full of little chips? Like, forget the whole “Mark of the Beast” thing! You already have hundreds of microchips in the palm of your right and left hands as you hold your electronic devices! For some folks, its attached to their head or arm. And, each electronic device you use is making a pretty complete record of what you: posted, thought, ate, bodily functions, movements, watched, purchased, etc, etc, etc. There is really no need to wait until you die to review your life! You can review it each and every day if you want to! Why are you saving the “life review” for when you don’t have a body and can’t change things, when you can wipe the slate clean every day? You can clear your “watch history” or “search history” right now, and begin to make better choices. Your electronic device is a good way to find out what is embedded in your subconscious, because you are consciously searching for more of those things on your devices. It can be a great self-help tool if you let it! Theres also a verse of n the Bible which says, “Let not the sun go down on your anger.” This is great as well! As you prepare for sleep each night, take a few minutes and reflect on the day. If you have any regrets, stop and forgive yourself, then mentally rehearse how you would like to respond next time. Taking a few minutes to practice this every evening will help improve your coping abilities and sleep quality. The moral of this silly post is; Do your “life review” NOW and OFTEN, while you can change things! So, when you do die, in the future, you can kick back with (G)od and some angels, eat some popcorn, and really enjoy watching “Your Life Review”. Heck, you can even make it a feature film! Happy Trance-Forming Jessica L Hanson One of my hypnosis friends, Roy Hunter, is well known for his series of hypnosis related books titled, The Art of….. (If he’s not your friend, you should get to know him)
I think one of his next books should be titled, The Art of Becoming a Hypnotist. After hypnosis certification class is over, many young hypnotists get discouraged or egotistic. I have met many new hypnotists who are so full of themselves that they think they invented hypnosis! The discouraged ones just give up for various reasons. Somewhere I heard a statistic that, only 3% of people trained in hypnosis actually are successful and make a career out of it. On top of that, many hypnotists who I have reached out to – from other organizations – have been very cliquey. As if there are not enough clients for all of us. Well, at this point in my life, I am used to being snubbed by people, I’ve marched to my own drum for a long while now. It seems I am out to change the way hypnotist’s treat and view each other, and how people in general view hypnosis. At times I feel like the squirrel in the meme that went around: “Relax…We’re all crazy…It’s not a competition!” Only I’m saying, “Relax…Your already in trance… It’s all Hypnosis!” I once heard, “You know you are a success, when you do not need to introduce yourself.” Or another way of saying it would be, “Your reputation precedes you.” Well, it seems I am reaching that point in my hypnosis career. Recently I have had some interesting experiences. One was when I ordered food from a local restaurant. As I waited, there was murmuring in the kitchen, (It seems the cook was afraid of me, so she hid in the back) then a bit later, a man walked in and introduced himself. We chatted for a bit, then someone from the kitchen said, “She’s the hypnotist I have been telling you about! Talk to her!” He suddenly had that star struck look on his face. Another day, my neighbors football came over the fence, again, and I tossed it back. We exchanged some polite chitchat and he apologized for the football, again. (It’s no big deal, they are great neighbors) This was followed by, “I saw you in the paper last week. Congratulations on your speaking engagement in Florida! I saw the picture, and said, ‘I know her, that’s my neighbor!” Then it’s the way people approach you. Recently more people are approaching me out of the blue and asking for sessions. These folks are professionals who keep their personal lives low key. It is an honor to be asked. Usually it’s during an impromptu meeting, they ask you to stay for a moment and close the door. Or it comes in an email, “So, I’ve got XZY going on and can hypnosis help me?” Like any artist, I keep working on my style. Looking back over my career, I discovered that I already have some interesting ‘periods’ of my hypnosis work! There’s: The just certified period, The hanging out of the shingle period, The I can do this period, The big move period, The writing period, The shoot for the moon land among the stars presenter period, and my current, The Instructor Period. I am looking forward to; The award-winning period! But that may be a while yet. My inner hypnotist has been developed: hair and clothing style, way of sitting, way of speaking, way of being, etc. and it only “gets better and better, every day, in every way!” The other day, as I was getting ready to go to the office, putting my badge on, I realized – I was ‘Trance-Forming’ into “the hypnotist”. Things had changed so slowly that I hadn’t noticed I stopped feeling nervous before a session. I was confident in my own skill set and had no need to worry about the session. Somewhere inside, I knew that the client had all the answers, and that I had all the techniques to help them achieve their results. I suppose you could say that I was in my ‘hypnotist trance’. Somewhere along the way, I have ‘become a hypnotist’. One of my non hypnosis mentors used to jokingly say about everything, “I can’t even spell the word, now I are one!” More things are congealing! While I was describing my hypnosis certification course, to a couple friends, as we were volunteering. I told them, that at the end of my course, I am going to look each student in the eyes and tell them, “Congratulations, you now know nothing! You have a manual, some books, and some hands-on experience; you’ve learned your hypnosis ABC’s and 123’s. Now it’s time to go out and let the knowledge become you.” And still more Trance-formations are happening, as other hypnotists are now asking me for advice about submitting conference proposals. It seems, “the more I embrace ‘The Art of Becoming a Hypnotist’ the more I are one!” One aspect I am creating ‘every day, in every way’ is; to always be approachable and teachable. My focus is on the client first, money second. (I think a little bit of Michael Watson rubbed off on me). This is a good thing you see, because before I met Michael, I already had a Mother Theresa quote on my desk, which I read before every client, “Always start with the person nearest to you.” If I regress just a bit, my late mentors, John & Bambi Hinson, had 2 favorite quotes which have stuck with me as well, “We then that are strong, ought to bear the burdens of others, and not to please ourselves.” - Romans 15:1 and “Bear ye one another’s burdens.” – Galatians 6:2 Then there was that quote that found me in high school “Volunteering your time it true living.” If I’m really honest, I have been ‘becoming a hypnotist’ since I was 13 years old. You see, it was Ruth Harris who looked a terrified young Jessica in the eyes and said, “I am not going to do anything to you. I am going to teach you how to help yourself. I am going to teach you hypnosis.” The Art of Becoming a Hypnotist, this is a good title for Roy Hunter’s next hypnosis book. There are lots of: people, phrases, and things, that Trance-form all of us “each and every day, each and every way”, as we are ‘becoming a hypnotist’. At the last conference I attended, there were murmurings of people retiring. To this I said, “Hypnotists don’t retire, they just forget to remember.” Hearing these murmurings made me sad, and then I realized, I AM part of the next hypnosis generation! All the big names in hypnosis are getting older and/or passing away. Many big names who contributed a LOT to the field passed since I became certified. Many of these folks I never got to know, but learned of them because of a technique. I’m already making my mark in the hypnosis world! For starters, I helped Michael Watson write the new IACT Hypnosis Student Training Manual. I created, The TURTLE Trance-Formation Process. I have had the honor of speaking at several Hypnosis conferences, and have written 3 books on hypnosis related topics. The biggest and best has been, becoming a state licensed private hypnosis career school owner and teacher. There’s a big world out there, and I’m just one hypnotist practicing my art. Thank you to ALL the teachers and mentors who have Trance-formed me along the way! Because of YOU, Trance-forming lives is what I now do! I am a hypnotist. “Relax…Your already in trance… It’s all Hypnosis!” Happy Trance-Forming:) Jessica L Hanson Boredom and Apathy – life’s best teachers.
“I’m bored!” says the child, “Here’s a hammer and nails!” says the parent. In life and sports, we spend lots of time doing things other than playing the game. Not everything about life and sports is over the top exciting. Even actors can sit around all day waiting to read just one or two lines. In the waiting period, they need to either be rehearsing the lines or doing something else which enhances them as a human. We all get bored. Even as adults. We need to do the mundane things: laundry, dishes, shopping, bathing, studying, working, cooking and eating. Even waiting in line can be mundane. Doing the mundane things is good for your mental health! As a society we have forgotten that we are “human beings” and have become “human doings”. If we are not continually entertained or “feeling” a certain way, there must be something wrong with us which means we need a medication, or need to self-medicate with: food, drugs, alcohol, etc. Boredom is a coping mechanism. It creates a space for us to notice how we feel and decide what to do about it. It is a creative learning state. Sadly, it is not taught to children anymore. Parents keep children continually occupied with: chores, studies, video games, entertainment, sports, and other activities. Children never experience boredom and never get to develop their skill of being content within themselves; sitting quietly and focusing, just being. Even prayer, apathy driven, is not allowed or taught anymore. Yoga is beginning to come in, but is still not accepted due to misinformation. The purpose and value of prayer, was to quite your mind for a few moments, remove your focus from other things and bring it to full attention on what you want or are doing. People don’t even stop for 10 seconds to bless their food anymore! There is so much power in blessing; speaking life into your food before it enters your body! Or even eating with the feeling of thankfulness and gratitude. Many people have ulcers and allergies because of this, but that is for another blog post. People have grown accustom to eating while doing other things, or while highly emotional. They really do not even know what food tastes like any more, that is why they need to load it with salt and sugar, or wash it down with a soda. Many people spend so much time with negative self-talk, and in a negative or stressful workplace, that they don’t even know what its like to not be continually in that negative or apathetic state of being. When they get home, they need to have the radio or TV going to keep the stress coming. It would really upset their apple cart if they took 5 minutes to notice how they really feel, and what all the busyness is covering up. Usually, you can get through the boring parts of life by focusing on the purpose, end result, or goal. But what if it’s up to you to create the meaning and purpose? As an adult, there is no one to tell you: “Do it because I said so.” “Do it because you have to.” “Don’t ask me why, just do it just because you have to.” It’s easier to keep on doing your language lessons if you have an overseas trip booked in six months. Focusing on how much you love a clean floor makes it easier to sweep or vacuum. Many times, listing to your favorite tunes will also make mundane tasks go faster and be more enjoyable. The old “whistle while you work” method does take the work out of work!
Keep in mind these are ALL just perceptions of lack, which we were taught, learned and passed down. These are limiting and untrue statements of belief. In reality, many people leave school and become very successful in life. Many people never learn to drive and save lots of money by using public transportation or riding a bicycle. Many people never get married in a church, they go to the court house and get married for a fraction of the cost of a church wedding. And thousands of people are buried in city and public cemeteries – they still go to heaven! We have many of the things we have because people decided to not listen to the “don’t” and “can’t” messages. One example is computers, they were created in a garage by college dropouts. Why bother if you’ll fail? Why try if you won’t be good enough? Nothing ventured nothing gained! It is the negative outlook that keeps you from achieving anything. If you never try, you will never get the experience and gain knowledge of what doesn’t work. Failure is your best teacher. Do yourself a favor and erase the words: “failure” and “not enough” from your vocabulary. Replace them with “I can” and “I am”. You only fail when you stop! Now there are times when apathy can help us understand, and keep us from making the wrong choice. But we need to learn to listen to it. Sometimes apathy can appear because the thing we are doing is no longer leading us towards the desired goal. In this case, apathy can help you assess where things got off course, and help you refocus your efforts. Many times, when we arrive at this point, it is because we have allowed the negative talk of others to influence us. We may have done something just because everyone else was doing it. All your friends got married and had kids, so you decided to get married and have kids, only to find this wasn’t what you really wanted. Or everyone else has a nice house, 3 vehicles, boat and is in debt; to be one of them you must do the same. I heard a true story about this. This couple had been together for several years and then all their friends got married and had children. They felt pressured to do the same if they were going to still be friends and make their families happy. Then one day after getting up to mow the lawn, the man looked around and realized he was not happy, that his body was just going through the motions and he had become like everyone around him. He went back inside and laid down in bed next to his wife and said, “I can’t do this anymore….” She looked at him and said, “Neither can I!” A few weeks later, they put their children up for adoption, sold the house, vehicles, boat and everything else. Their sister in-law adopted the children; this made her very happy. The couple moved into a nice small apartment and went back to the life they wanted to have. It saved their friendship and marriage! When you can’t get excited or motived, it can be a sign that it’s time to move on! Society, parents, peers, and everywhere you look is telling you what you should do. Pick up a magazine, turn on the TV, or look at your phone – they are all sending you messages of what you should think and do. Just being around your friends is enough peer pressure to make you do things you don’t want to. Did you know that you are an adult? One thing you can do as an adult is say “NO!” I know, that word has been beaten out of you since the first time you said it. It’s time to relearn this very important two letter word! If you don’t, you will just be a robot, going through the motions of life, like everyone else and never really know what you are capable of. You have your own mind in there – use it! In Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker is learning to control “the force”. His teacher, Yoda, tells him to raise his spaceship out of the swamp with the power of his mind. Luke is skeptical and hesitant. “All right! (sigh) I’ll try.” Yoda becomes angry and snaps, “No trying! Either do or don’t do! No trying!” This is how you should look at apathy, boredom, and motivation. When you want to do something, do it. When you don’t, then stop. The biggest hurdle is learning what YOU want to do. It takes time to find out who YOU are as you wade through the muck society has been throwing at you. Think about doing something and notice what it does to your physical body – did your heart skip a beat, did you feel a sudden rush, did you shrink back in fear or break out in a sweat? Notice and take note of these things. This is your body helping you learn who you are and what you really want to do. Here’s my personal journey – I dropped out of high school after the 10th grade. When I did, I was told ALL the things I would never be able to do. Prior to this, I had quit confirmation class. I was also told ALL the things I would never be able to do. I grew up being told by many people that I should get my teeth fixed, wear makeup and paint my nails or “You’ll never get married to anyone good.” Well, I left home when I was 17, got an apartment, and got the first job I interviewed for. I didn’t have a car or much money, so I walked to work. After a while I didn’t like this, it wasn’t getting me to my goals in life. I went to Georgia with some friends and ended up going on to Florida to live on a Christian community with people from all over the world and all walks of life. This became my college years – 4 to be exact. I always had a place to sleep, food to eat, and clothing to wear. Not only that, I was in a safe and supportive environment where I was free to ask questions and explore topics. I was also able to earn a bit of money. After Florida, I bounced around for a bit. I was a sectary for a naturopath, nanny for a psychic, and worked the night shift at an assisted living facility. Even then, people told me to get pregnant, get on welfare, get food stamps, etc. I didn’t see any future in that for me. I knew from a young age that I didn’t want to have children, so that was about as appealing as eating shit! Later, I moved to a small town. Some friends had an empty house, and I could stay there and pay utilities and do lite upkeep. I decided if I was going to stay, I should get a job. I walked into the local café and was hired on the spot, reporting for work that afternoon. As I got to know people, some of the older folks asked for help with small chores: window cleaning, lite housework, driving them to appointments, etc. Later, I was asked to work at the local grocery store; which I did for 10 years, and loved every minute of it. In this small town I also ran for City Council, and got to know many fine people. It was my own Lake Wobegon. (I like listening to Garrison Keillor, A Prairie Home Companion) Later, I got married to a fine, respectable man, and even tied the knot in the local church. No one cared that I wasn’t confirmed, they were just happy that 2 people met and were in love. I think most of the town came to the reception at the church. It was all very simple; a wedding, food, and conversation. He died a year and a half later. After 4 years, I sold the house and moved. I was homeless for a time, figuring out which direction I was headed now – all my hopes and dreams I had been shattered. (apathy) I landed in a new, larger town. Again, I set out. Food was number one. I volunteered at the local food shelf, which, at the time, gave me fresh food every week. I found a place to live, and then not long after, I met my now husband. I had to regroup again. Let’s just say life is about being able to constantly change and regroup. It’s about being: board, scared, happy, sad, angry, grateful, and so much more! In business, I am always evolving, learning and doing new things. Some days I have to push myself, it is scary doing new things. I too feel apathy! But I use the skillset of Hypnosis to help me focus and visualize the next steps. How do I get closer to the person I want to become? Before every major business decision I have felt apathy. I had to take a day or two and focus on how this decision really made me feel. Was I afraid I couldn’t do it? Was it the right direction for my career? Was I just afraid of the unknown and the possibility of success? If it worked then what! Often, being a Hypnotherapist takes me into uncharted territory and upsets or worries people. That is not my concern, I need to keep my thoughts and eyes on the vision I decided to live. Being a Hypnotist is not as popular and glamorous as you might think! Lots of people dislike me for what I do, but then they dislike other things too. I’m not living for them; I’m living for me. Clean your own house, cook your own food, wash your own laundry, pull weeds by hand – you never know what you might learn by doing so. If nothing else the apathy of the mundane can help you learn what you really want to do. Remember to take 10 seconds and feel gratitude for the food before you eat it, “Bless the hands that prepared it and nourish it for my body”. Leave all of yesterday’s concerns in the past, todays troubles where you found them, and tomorrow’s uncertainties in the future. Take a moment to breathe and feel the beat of your heart. Listen to the internal self-talk, and notice how it makes you feel. Happy Trance-Forming! Jessica L Hanson ![]() This photo is of me wearing my turtle shell costume a few weeks after being sexually assaulted at work. I don’t even remember the date anymore. At the time, I was told to “deal with it! And NOT make any waves!” In the small community I was living in. There are many times in life you walk alone. There are many times in life when no one stands up for you. Having these experiences makes or breaks you, the choice is yours. By not having anyone stand up for me, it has helped me notice others and stand up for them - even though I didn’t know how. I still don’t know how or what to say, but doing something is better than doing nothing! Maybe it’s the full moon, or maybe it’s the hot weather! Today I woke up reflecting on graduation. In all honesty I have never had one. I’ve graduated from plenty of things, but never celebrated it. I have mixed feelings about the small graduation class I am part of. As of now, I am the only one attending for me. The people I invited are not able to attend for various reasons. Believe me folks, even professionals have issues! There seems to be a pattern in my life with graduations. People support and advocate for me to take a course, but at graduation time they disappear. Even my hypnosis certification was unceremonious. On the 28th of June I will go to the graduation “ceremony” walk across the stage and see what all the fuss is about. I have met many highly educated people who have done nothing with their achievements, so please don’t pity me! As stated earlier, I have graduated from many things, but I have also applied that training to my life. I’ve just never had the ceremony. I know that when my hypnosis students graduate, they will know they have accomplished something. Even though I have not met them yet, I am proudly standing up for each one of them and cheering them on! For anyone reading this - Keep working towards your goal(s). When you reach them, let me know! I’m cheering you on and am happy for you! Go YOU! Yeah YOU! RahRahRah! Happy Trance-Forming Jessica P.S. I do have a "Graduation Turtle" in my collection:) Hi all! It’s been a while since I’ve made a blog post, things have been busy.
I am writing this from the air, 35,000 feet or so above the ground. After a long sleepless night due to arthritis pain and a dislocated rib, I am on my flight! Due to lack of sleep and pain I have been emotionally all day. I got teary-eyed when my husband dropped me off to catch my ride with Douglas to the airport. This will be the longest my husband and I have been apart since before we were married. At takeoff I cried, mostly due to lack of sleep, but also because it’s a relief to be going ! This trip is necessary because I am presenting at the international conference, HypnoExpo 2022 in Orlando Florida. It finally feels real! Takeoff was very metaphorical- climbing higher and higher away from all I know, as I head to a new destination, to have new experiences, meet new people, and learn new things. I’ve walked many clients through a similar metaphor in hypnosis- helping them rise higher and higher above the situation, seeing things from different views. Then learning lessons and changing themselves before returning to my office, refreshed relaxed and aware. I guess this trip is open eye trance therapy for me. Yes, hypnotherapists are human too. We cry, worry, feel pain, and have to work on our own issues. Sometimes we need to rise above our situation (pain, loss, illness, etc) and view it from above the clouds. At 35,000 feet everything seems childlike and changeable. If you close your eyes and imagine just a bit, you can almost feel the jet being held up in the sky by the hand of a child pretending to be a pilot, or by the hand of God helping you see things ftom his view. I can only imagine, but they say that all astronauts come back to earth deeply changed. This is due to seeing earth- what we call home- floating like a bubble in space. There are no boarders, divisions, or elevation from that perspective. Everything is just contained inside a bubble. I’m not that high up today, only 35,000 feet. But up here there aren’t any state lines or boarders. All I can see for miles are neat little lines and patches, which resemble a patchwork quilt. Like a quilt your grandma made for you to snuggle up in at night and feel her hugs. Up here above the clouds, I’m in the hands of angels- pilot angels who decided that today Jessica goes to the airport and flies off to Orlando. Countless times, as a child, I’ve played Lego’s and have flown to far away places- Brown hats Island, Underwater World, and various Lego towns. Today that child is flying me. I’m going to the city of magic, and metaphors, to speak about the taboo subject of Grief, to an international audience. This could be the best open eye trance session I’ve ever done! My 2 hypnosis mentors would be proud…. On Golden Pond
Last evening I attended the preview of On Golden Pond at The Barn Theater in Willmar, MN. It was very good. A definite 👍 👍up! In hypnosis there is a technique called “Theater of the mind” or “director technique” in which the client is invited to use theatre imagery to work out solutions as they direct the scenes and make changes until the scene is just right. When the desired scene is achieved, the client steps into the scene and becomes part of it. On Golden Pond did just that! The play and characters are all a part of us in some way, old and young, with all our baggage and imperfections, concerns about life and death. During the play, I found myself forgetting I was in a theater. It was like watching scenes from life play out as I recalled feeling that way or saying those words. Then at other times, I was aware that I was watching actors and actresses on a stage, just watching a performance. The play carries a unique message of healing. And in many ways, I think it also does deep healing inside of you as you watch. Reverse therapy in a way! Sometimes you don’t need a hypnotherapist to help you, all you need is a good play with good acting to do the work for you. Your only job is to attend the show! Greetings and happy new year!
With all the transitions taking place around the world, my mind has been thinking about many things. One thing that keeps coming to mind is employee shortages. it seems people are fed up with the mindless, meaningless tasks they call a career. I wonder if you are having any of these thoughts? - Why am I doing this? - What is my purpose? - There has to be more than this! Do you want to change this and live a life of purpose and meaning? If your answer is yes, then read on. If not, then go back to the life you have. To make a change, first begin by turning off your television, radio and social media. Great! Now you can begin to rediscover YOU. Consider your strengths and what gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Begin to explore ways you can do these things and get paid. Did you know, not so long ago, people had careers that were their entire life? The butcher lived above his store and did his job every day because his passion was cutting meats. The teacher was single and lived at or near the school, so she or he could focus on their passion of teaching young minds. The grocer knew you by name and knew what you purchased often, because his/her passion was providing delicious food to customers. The priest or pastor devoted their entire body, mind and soul to being the best spiritual support to the church. Have you ever watched a chef or bar tender who has a passion for their job? They have energy, and watching them work is like watching a well oiled machine of dedication to detail, or like a hypnotic dance. What is your passion? Next, find yourself an affirmation to focus on. Write it down and put it somewhere you will see it, then go out and live it. Rich people don’t sit at home thinking, “I am rich….I am rich…I am rich…” They go out and live a rich life. I wouldn’t be a hypnotherapist if I just sat at home dreaming about being a hypnotherapist. It took effort, dedication and passion. My passion for hypnosis led me to do things I never thought possible. When things got difficult, I would look at my affirmation and remember what my passion was. If the difficulty was part of achieving that passion, then I found a way to embrace it, which changed the level of difficulty and made the process a memorable experience. If you learn and know what your passion is, it will help motivate you to live it. If your looking for a new rewarding career, consider adding hypnosis to your skill set. Above all, stop comparing yourself to those around you. Every great; athlete, chef, musician, teacher, doctor, etc all have one thing in common. Each one became the best they could be. They modeled the qualities of other great professionals and leaders in their field, but they didn’t try to become them. Each person became the best they could be. You can only be YOU everyone else it taken! Happy Trance-forming:) Jessica For a long time I have known about the gut-brain health connection, but only recently have I gained new insight. Listening to a random 1 hour long YouTube video titled: Gut bacteria and mind control: to fix your brain, fix your gut! By Professor Simon Carding: the video began to answer a few personal mystery’s for me. Mystery 1: What happened to me after the death of my first husband? (This is an umbrella question, and this answer only provides insight into one small area) According to the video, by changing our eating pattern, or even by fasting, we alter our gut bacteria, which in turn alters our behavior and mood. If I am honest, as I look back on that time, I was not eating well, and at one point during the worst of it, was eating nothing at all, not even drinking water. (yes, it got that bad) How my body survived, I do not know! It was only after my family removed me from my home and took me to live with them, fed me and made me drink water, that I began to think clearly again. I am still in awe and slightly afraid of the experiences I had during this time. Many of the things that happened were borderline nervous breakdown, or paranormal. Throw in the fact that I had been drugged and raped while on vacation, and we have a total disrupt of life. Looking back, it seems the rape set up the cascade of fearful thoughts which led to not drinking water or eating food. Being continually on alert also overloaded my body, causing my gut to stop producing certain bacteria. Adding more fear and stress were the paranormal things that were happening in my home (which are on recorded closed circuit cameras). When my body was depleted due to stress and fear, it began to break down my mental capacity and may have opened doors into other realms. It just kept getting worse and worse, until there seemed no way out. Glady, for me, being around people, eating good meals and drinking water, brought back my health. Some of the fear lingered as I set out on my own again. It took me a long time to venture out of my apartment very far. There was still that fear of being raped. And I could only eat the food I prepared, out of fear of being drugged. Any alcohol was out of the question! But one thing that the video brought up was that once this biome has been changed in our gut, we are predisposed to go back there, if we do not maintain our physical and mental health. We need to keep our stress low, nutrition high, and thoughts positive. Having been through this experience, I now have reference points which serve as reminders. There are times I feel afraid, or begin to have those paranoid thoughts, then I stop and think: “Did I eat enough?” “Did I drink enough water today?” “Did I take my supplements?” Usually any of those old feelings begin to subside after I eat some food or drink some water. Mystery 2: I am not the same person I used to be, where did she go? I used to be more outgoing and outspoken, but now it seems I am less of those and more content to just do my own thing and not need anyone else. This could partly be due to being married again, and having less stress now, allowing myself to relax more. Or something could have changed inside of me. There was a time on the hospital, after my husband’s stroke, that I looked in the mirror and did not know who was looking back at me. I think this was when the change happened. I was under the most stress I had ever been in my life! The person in the mirror was a stranger to me, I did not know my own reflection, but did ask her, “Who the hell are you! and where did Jessica go?” According to the video, there is a real possibility that something did change inside of me to make me this way. In all honesty, I do have my days were I still bite off more than I can chew, speak my mind, and kick ass, but those are more calculated. In these moments I feel the old me inside somewhere, but she doesn’t stay long. In the video, there was this study which was about gut bacteria and personality. They took rats which were outgoing and rats which were very shy, and did a fecal matter implant from the outgoing rat to the shy rat and vis versa. Interestingly, the outgoing rat became less apt to escape its cage and explore, and more content to just be a regular rat. The shy rat was now escaping its cage and exploring. These two rats had changed personalities by being given fecal matter transplants from each other. You’ve heard of the organ transplant and personality change, but this was much faster and without rejection. When the fecal matter from other shy rats was studied, it was found to contain different bacteria than that of the outgoing rats. After hearing this, I put two and two together and thought, “Of course! After being under new prolonged stress, which began when my first husband had the stroke, until I was raped, my gut bacteria had changed! It had changed so much that I was really not my old self at all anymore. Only at times, when the bacteria are just right, do I feel the old me. But to be honest, I sort of like this new me better. She’s more settled and can let go of things better. Mystery 3: Arthritis pain. I’ll be honest, my physical health was never that great from birth! I was born a blue baby, almost died several times due to not being able to breath at age 2-3, had several other episodes of not being able to breathe, had a severe rash for a few years which nothing could relieve, could never participate in sports, turned red anytime I exert myself, died from a medication, and react to any medication I’ve ever been given. Add to this, severe arthritis in my body, most days a pain scale of 10, but I have a high pain tolerance – yeah me! After listening to this video, a huge light went on. I have really been working on my personal health since the whole Covid thing started, because I really like hypnosis and want to teach it to other people. I mean, what else do you do when you’re stuck home for months on end? I have studied herbals, mind body health, and most things alternative health, for a very long time, since my body does not react to most of them. Recently, I began to notice how I suddenly have less over all body pain, to the point I really overdo it and make my husband upset with me. I hadn’t even noticed the pain wasn’t there, because it always was! Thinking back, it started to disappear when I began to hit the enzymes and probiotics heavy – taking them daily or several times per day. I also have so little stress now, that I wonder if I should be feeling something else! (there are things that bring stress, but I can more easily just let it go) It turns out, in the lab studies, the gut bacteria has been found to eliminate chronic and auto immune diseases. The video also added that to eliminate the diseases, it also took a shift in thinking, lowering stress, and supplementing the healthy gut bacteria; which in turn changed as the gut health improved. They found thoughts and gut health were linked. They also found that as gut bacteria changed, so did all the habits. To keep breeding, these new bacteria, change our taste buds and emotions, likes and dislikes, so they can keep breeding more! All of this leads me to marvel at what we do as hypnotists. We help a person change their thoughts, and change them long enough that their body in turn begins to change the bacteria which is being produced in their gut. When the thoughts are changed long enough, their whole gut biome changes, which causes a ripple effect and you have a changed person, literally! So, those old saying are true: “Stinkin thinkin.” and “Shit for brains.” “Change your thoughts and you change your world” Norman Vincent Peale. What if your world actually changes from the inside out! There are whole other ramifications if you toss in quantum theory and multi universes. I mean, do we change dimensions by changing our gut health and thoughts? Okay, I won’t go down that rabbit hole, but do consider it… By changing your thoughts, and taming your tongue, you change your gut bacteria, which produces more bacteria, changing your diet, to support the thoughts, words, and life you want! You owe it to yourself to take one hour of your life and really listen to this video. Maybe it will anger you, maybe it will inspire you, or maybe it will change your gut bacteria. One thing is for sure, you will learn something, professor Carding covers so much more than I have begun to describe here. I wish all of you happy Trance-Formation, inside and out! Jessica L Hanson In the book, Turtles All the Way Down, by Judith DeLozer and John Grinder, I have been reading about “stopping the world”. It’s an NLP technique which teaches you to step into other awarenesses.
And YES, I bought the book because it has the word “Turtle” in the title! In the book John and Judith give the seminar participants an assignment of “stopping the world.” The participants are to use a buddy system as they learn the method. As a late mentor liked to say, “the universe has a sense of humor…” After reading this chapter of the book (which is great, by the way) my husband and I went to play disc golf. It’s a 9 hole course, so we play it twice to get our 18 holes in. Round one went well. I was getting par on almost every hole. However, on round 2, hole 7, I “stopped the world!” On hole 7 I hit a tree branch, nothing unusual about that! But as I was about to line up my shot I was hit from behind. Suddenly I was very aware of a burning sensation near my right shoulder blade and nothing else. It was like I could watch myself in slow motion. My hands were trying to pull my clothing away from my back and I was saying something. Then I noticed buzzing and felt a burning sensation on the top left side of my head. My arms were swinging my disc wildly and my head was moving like I was head banging to a good rock song. My body just kept moving until the buzzing stopped. Suddenly I was aware of my surroundings again. I was nearly half way back to the tee pad, my hat was in one hand, a disc in the other, and my hair was a mess. Think I even said, “I’ve been hit.” My husband went the other direction and we walked to the last tee pad. On the way I asked if he got stung? And if he was allergic to stings? Then he handed me my pink disc, which I wasn’t aware was missing. We played the last hole and went home. Nothing like a nest of angry bees to “stop the world”! I’m not sure how long I stopped the world, but it felt like a long time. I’m not sure what motions my body went through to avoid getting more stings. Part of me was very focused on not getting stung. It just sounded like I was surrounded! Funny how awareness changes; I was VERY aware of the 3 places I was stung, but only vaguely aware of the rest of my body. I couldn’t tell you if I walked or ran, what was in the space around me, or how I got there, but I covered some ground! As my body absorbs the venom and the welts go down, I can reflect on how bees can bee teachers on how to “ stop the world”. I think I may have skipped a few steps in the process or did them all simultaneously. I’m not really sure bee-cause I was in a heightened state of awareness and didn’t have an experience buddy to guide me, or learning cues set up, like the people in the book. As we drove home, the Beatles song, Let It Be, began to play in my mind! Not sure why, maybe to distract me from the stings. But then you’d think my mind would give me a song sung by Sting? May-bee next time I “stop the world” I can have a better experience, like one in the book, and bee more aware of experiencing both states of consciousness. Happy Trance-Forming! Jessica |
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