My husband and I decided to enjoy a night outside by the fire rather than watch a movie. I let our 80 year old neighbor know via text. He loves to come over and sit by the fire with us. Before 9pm he said, “I’d like to see a satellite before I go in tonight.” A few minutes later I pointed one out. We continued to talk and then I pointed out another satellite, and another and another.... they just kept coming! UFO invasion!? Military convoy? What in the world!?!? Momentarily scared, I watched in awe and decided, yes these were the Starlink satellites we had watched being launched last year in Florida! I turned to my 80 year old neighbor and said, “Tonight is your lucky night, you hit the jackpot on satellites!” He got tired of watching all 60 of them pass overhead. Okay, so now you get to see my nerdy side. Yes, I have studied the odd, unusual and paranormal. This had me going for a while, but my friend who analyzes photos and odd aerial phenomena confirmed that yes, these were the Starlink satellites. He lives eats and breathes this stuff! His email has been exploding with ufo invasion reports and he’s been laughing and baffled at the cognitive dissonance out there! Is a good place to find the next viewing time. I highly recommend seeing it for yourself! Good video from the Netherlands. There’s so much to see out there! People are shocked when they learn I don’t have television or listen to the radio! I’m equally shocked they still do! There’s so much more to life than reality tv and 24/7 music. I had a front row seat in the best reality show tonight- Starlink satellites and in flight refueling! And have you ever heard the music out here? Unending frog chorus, bird songs, wind through pine trees or the sound of silence? Sitting by a fire under the heavens is the best therapist out there, in my opinion. Some of the best healing has taken place in that situation. I’ve had many clients report to me how a fire and stars have been life changing. Do yourself a favor and go outside at night, look up and watch for a while. You never know what you’ll see! It may just change your whole world:)
Since the news broke on the covid19 stuff, my thoughts have taken me many places. One place being my personal relationship with handouts. I realized that I had become dependent on the smorgasbord of free and reduced food available. Let me back up a bit. When I came to this community I was a widow, homeless and trying to survive. I’ve never used food stamps or county programs because I wasn’t that bad off. I was taught to work and earn my way. For the first time in my life I used a food shelf or food bank, and it changed my life! Not only did I have a steady supply of healthy food, but I had a place to volunteer, get my life back on track and I met my husband there! Yes, our finances are tight and we did utilize the food shelf. But now I see how reliant I had become on it! And can empathize with those who use other programs and avenues of supplement. It’s very easy to become dependent on these programs and to not go off them. Why put any effort in when you know it will be there? As a business owner I have mixed feelings about using these services and volunteer often, since I cannot give back financially at this point. This time has truly given me a new perspective on how blessed I am: food to eat, water to drink, roof over my head, vehicle to drive, clothes to wear and so much more. Nothing I own is the newest and best, but it serves its purpose. If we become reliant on the hand out we can miss the ‘hand up’. Accepting a ‘hand up’ may mean cutting back or doing without, but when you earn something it has value and you take care of it. I’ve glued my shoes and polished them like new, proudly worn my outdated clothes and darned my mittens. After a few weeks I’ve not missed the handouts and found ways to use the canned, dried and frozen goods I’ve been saving for lord knows what! Life has been simpler, less stressful and relaxing. There is satisfaction in choosing fresh, new, in-date items from the store shelves! You choose more wisely and in turn save money because you actually use the items! I’ve also had time to enjoy life and study, read and begin writing my next book. As for the business loans offered by the government, I will not apply for one. After long consideration, I know that I do good work at a fair price and will be just fine. My husband said, “The problem you have is, you are like the old chiropractor who sees you a couple times and gets you better, not the ones who keep you coming back for the money.” A veteran, my husband, also gently reminds me from time to time, how, “In the navy, everything you need fits into one compartment. If it doesn’t fit, you don’t need it.” Wise words to apply in all areas of life! There is nothing wrong with having a bit extra stored up. The government has guidelines encouraging you to do so. But, when you begin to ‘have just to have’, or hoard and waste, then it’s time to recognize the habitual bondage and take stock on what is really necessary. Staying inside has begun to turn me inside out. Exposing my own habits which keep me in bondage to things. Going inside - physically and mentally, has begun to restore me inside and out:) If you need these services, I am glad they are available for you and commend you for reaching out for the assistance! There is no shame in asking for help, ever! FYI - therapists are not perfect, we’re just as messed up as everyone else. We work on ourselves often so that we can offer the best to you as clients. |
AuthorJessica L Hanson CHt. LLC Archives
July 2024
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