Out of Body vs Alien Abduction
It has been my expereince several times in life to have strange things happen to me. Upon searching further into some of these things, it has become my conclusion that the out of body experience or OBE is much more calming than to look at it as an alien abduction. Once around the age of 4- It was summer and I was playing outside. My mom had gone in to make us lunch. Across the lake I saw what appeared to be a helicopter but it had no sound. It proceeded across the lake and landed near the shoreline on the grass. Two, what appeared to be people, stepped out through a door and began walking towards me calling my name. I will stop the story here. Only saying that I was returned but highly traumatised. On a second occasion I had been prescribed a medication and after taking the first does I became very ill, lossing consciouness and leaving my body 2 times. During this time I was alone but felt like two people were pulling me out of my body by the shoulders. These two beings were very kind and when I had be removed from my body the second time, I was given the choice to stay or return. But there was an urgency to this question. I feel that I was dead long enough that I may not have survived. When I decieded to return to my body, I was brought into another room and various things were done to my spirit or essence. I was told there were no guarantes it would work, since not many return at this point. Sparing further details, I did return to my body and was found by my roommate who said it looked like I had a stroke or something. I did not go to the hospital, so there is no medical verification, only the people who I was living with the time, 2 of whom were nurses; why go back to the people who just killed me? What happened next was a miracle - I regained the use of my body, speach, etc. I credit much of this to self hypnosis and prayer. All that remains today is a general weakness on my left side, more prominent when I am over tired or very stressed. There are many more encounters of the like in my past. After much work with reserchers I have come to conlude that I don't know any more than I did when I began my search. But I do know that each enccounter is easier to live with if I think of it as an OBE or spiritual rather than an alien abduction. You see, in an abduction, you have no say, choice or control. You are at the mercy and devices of someone or something and helpless. In the OBE you often have a choice and are treated with respect. Fear may still be present, but you come to understand the importance of this experience and fear subsides. To this day I sill cannot tell you if I was druged and raped as part of a sex cult, or if I had an OBE and was being helped. The memory is just as strong and real either way. No amount of hypnosis or regression work has seemed to change the fact that something happened to me. So I have had to accept that, yes, something very real happened that night and that it is part of my past, and that I lived to tell about it. I choose to believe that whom ever or what ever meant no harm, but we simply misunderstood eachother. Looking at things this way helps me to live with the fact that I will never know the answer. But the one thing I can do is choose how I remember what happened. It was an experience that changed my life forever and in the long run, changed my life for the better! When a client is sitting in my office who has a history of rape or abuse, I can truly empathise and tell them that there is hope. Also, I have learned that you should never underestimate human nature. We are complex creatures and are capable of so much good and so much evil. It is up to each individual which side is chosen. As a fellow hypnotist has shared many times in his trainings and books: Regarding a mishandled regression, "Was I abducted by aliens or did I have an OBE? I don't know. Both memories are equally real. The experience keeps me vigulant to teach the proper uses of hypnosis and the dangers of its misuse as well as how easly one can create false memories. The experience has made me a better teacher and hypnotist." One things to know for sure is that fear is a trance which renders one helpless. In fear, all one sees is more of the same; abuse, death, aloneness, etc. But if one you can step out of fear and change the perspective to neutral or possibility, then you open up a whole new set of options and opportunites. For example, reguarding the insident I refer to as rape; while it was happening I kept telling myself to remember the faces and to stay awake. If I lost consciousness I lost control of what little control I had. As awful as it was to rememmber and feel everything, it gave me the ability to seek help and give the police a place to start from. And knowing that little bit has helped me to stay strong. Since this, one person involved has died, and the rape kit was never processed, but I am told it remeains in custody as evidence should I ever reopen the case. The whole investigation was botched and mishandled, but taking legal action would only prolong my suffereing. I decided after the death of one person involved, to let karma or God handle the rest of them. This way I can live an empowered life instead of a fearful one as a victim. And could I live with myself knowing that I may send an innocent person to jail if it was rally an OBE? The experiece is real, the memory's I live with are blurred and mixed. I choose to believe that whatever happened, I am still here because I have soething to do. There is so much we have yet to learn and discover about ourselves, our planet and our universe. Remain open to possibility and you will live a rich full life.
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