TRAIN THE TRAINER PARTS THERAPY *** now available at HypnoExpo 2025 and other select times As of 5/2023 Roy Hunter and myself, along with IACT/IMDHA have made an agreement for myself to carry on teaching in Roy's place. Roy and I signed a formal agreement at HypnoExpo 2023, and I have been in the background letting Roy continue his work. (Parts Therapy is his "baby" and it's hard to let it go) In my many phone conversations with Roy, he ends every phone call with, "Our conversation in 2023 was divine. Thank you for listening to God, and for carrying on the work." In May 2024, Roy had a stroke while attending HypnoExpo 2024 in Orlando, FL. It was at this time that I stepped in and taught my first Parts Therapy Train the Trainer class, which consisted of 4 students. (pictured to the right) It was an honor to be accepted by them. After HypnoExpo 2024, Roy, IACT/IMDHA, and myself have been working to create the best Parts Therapy Trainer program for you that we can offer. Thank you for your patience as we continue to work out all the fine details. Roy continues to get better and better every way, every day. If you wish to contact Roy, you may send cards to: 11103 176 Ave E, Bonney Lake, WA 98391. You may send Roy and email, but it is still difficult for him to respond vie email. [email protected]
Cost: $795 US dollars Parts Therapy Train the Trainer Are you ready to up your game as a hypnosis trainer? If so, this 2-day course is for you. You will learn how to effectively teach the Tebbetts/Hunter method of Client Centered Parts Therapy to your students. (you must meet certain criteria to attend this class-see prerequisites below) Attendees will learn how to effectively train hypnosis students and other professionals to become effective Parts Therapy Facilitators.
Participants will learn: History of Parts Therapy, other variations of Parts Therapy, how to teach the step-by-step parts therapy process, importance of roleplay in teaching parts therapy, how to use Hunter’s PowerPoint presentation, student workbook, and other teaching tips for successful Parts Therapy education.
Prerequisites: Must have either completed of the 2-day Certified Parts Therapy Facilitator training with Roy Hunter, or equivalent Parts Therapy training and professional experience using the technique, along with at least two years of full-time (or three years of part-time) hypnotherapy practice and a basic understanding of hypnotic regression.
Participants will receive:
Roy Hunter’s Parts Therapy PowerPoint for teaching (optional use).
Access to Google Classroom Parts Trainer - additional resources, videos, and more, also connect with fellow PT trainers.
MS Word document with Hunter’s copyrighted Parts Therapy Workbook – which you can reproduce for your students.
A special “Read this first” file which contains additional information for the Certified Parts Therapy Trainer.
Optional use – exam and exam key for your students.
Additional MP3 sound files to accompany the PowerPoint presentation.
Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate recognizing you as a Certified Parts Therapy Trainer (CPTT).
***Additional fee applies. A listing on your account with IACT/IMDHA and an additional certificate as a Certified Parts Therapy Trainer (CPTT).
14 CEU’s
A special gift from Jessica - if not previously received in the Parts Therapy 2 -3 day Facilitator training.
Photos in the slideshow below are from various Parts Therapy Classes Roy Hunter has taught around the world. Sharing for posterity. Jessica Parts Therapy training photos included.
How did Jessica get into this position?
Let me begin by introducing myself. I am Jessica L Hanson. Hypnosis has been part of my life since I was 13 years old. Currently, I am co-author of IACT’s Hypnosis Instructor Manual, owner of a state licensed and bonded Hypnosis school in Minnesota, and Roy Hunters protégé. I am also a FEMA CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) auxiliary trainer and a Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Diplomat. (more information can be found under the "About Jessica L Hanson" tab on this website.) Allow me to share the events that put me in this position. In May 2023 at HypnoExpo in Orlando, Florida, Roy and I shared a meal together and I felt a strong nudge to ask him a question. That question was, “Who continues your work if something happens to you?” Roy’s eyes filled with tears as he said, “I wish I could tell you, but there is no one. I have asked people, but no one has followed through.” Shaking inside I asked, “Would you consider me?” Roy’s face became bright and clear, “Yes! Would you?” The following day he wrote up our agreement and it was signed. I urged him to talk it over with his wife, but he said, "I will, but my answer is still yes. I asked God to send the person to me. You are the one." Since then, I have been staying in the background, letting Roy do his thing. Now we arrive at May 2024 HypnoExpo. Preconference, Roy introduced me to the students and shared our agreement. I sat in the 2-day Parts Therapy teaching assisting Roy. Then the next day, I was there when Roy had the stroke. As he was being wheeled out by the ambulance crew I was able to grab his hand and say, "Go with the flow." It was only on that day that I discovered no one else knew about our agreement. This was not the way I wanted to step into this role, but I’m sure Roy didn’t want to step into his role from Tebbetts by having him die. I shared the agreement with Robert and Linda Otto and my fate was sealed. Teaching my first Parts Therapy Train the Trainer students post conference. Life has a funny way of putting you right where you need to be. Before the conference I had a dream and was told to be ready to teach Parts Therapy, so I had everything loaded on my computer (even purchased a new computer). During pre conference class, Roy did a group Spiritual Hypnosis session. My question was, “Will I be accepted as Roy’s protégé?” The answer clear as day, “Not at first. It will take some time. Be patient and let them get used to you.” All this brings me to now. Roy personally asked me introduce myself, as he has stated that he is no longer able to teach and is very sad to step away from Hypnosis, but it is necessary at this time. He is recovering very well for what he has been through and sends me to you in highest confidence. The choice is always yours. I am humbled to step in at this time and teach you Roy’s method of Parts Therapy and am qualified to do so. My stories will be different, but the material remains the same. More about me can be found on my website: Jessica L Hanson